rich mountain

Episode 63: Sherri Cauthron McCourtney

In this episode, Ashley and Jodi sit down with healthcare professional Sherri Cauthron McCourtney! McCourtney recounts her story in healthcare from her beginnings, all the way up to teaching on a collegiate level. The Ouachita Chronicles is brought to you by Don’s EZ Pay!

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Episode 61- Remmie and Gracie

In this episode, Ashley and Jodi have Remmie and Gracie. As you can tell by their fancy accents, they are UARM’s soccer players from England! They talk about cultural differences, the process of coming to the states, and playing college soccer. The Ouachita Chronicles is brought to you by Don’s EZ Pay!

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Episode 43: Phillip Wilson

In this episode, Ashley and Jodi sit down with Phillip Wilson! Besides being involved with University of Arkansas Rich Mountain (namely, head of the lawncare department), he’s also one half of the Mena Bearcats football broadcast show on 104.1 KENA! From lawnmowing to broken-hearted basketball defeats- the Chronicles crew gets the whole story from Phillip…

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