Podcast: The Roundtable

The Roundtable was born out of the Coronavirus Pandemic as a platform to inform the listening audience of which area businesses were open and how their daily operations were affected as well as the safety protocols involved with the pandemic itself. As the Covids haven’t gone away the show has evolved into a daily discussion on local politics, world events, gossip, and more! Oh and we still cover all things pandemic related too! The Roundtable is Hosted by Y-95’s “JJ”, News Talk 92.3’s “Doc Bryce, And Radioworks Sports Man Extraordinaire “Kelly Blair”!!! With Special Guests always checking in, “The Roundtable” is a fun way to start the day!!

Episode 36: Shelly Alston and Eudell Head

In this episode, Ashley braves the storm that is the Chronicles’ recording process alone with Jeri absent. We had The Blue Zipline and Farm owner/operator Shelly Alston with a surprise appearance of previous guest Eudell Head. Alston and Head are here today to talk about the upcoming bigfoot conference, happening this September. The Ouachita Chronicles…

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